See flyer for more details. For questions, email [email protected]
Check in will be at the back gate between the KG building and the main elementary building. You MUST have your driver's license and you MUST be on the student's contact list in order to have lunch with them.
Kona Ice: no need to pre pay or pre order for May 26th.
What to bring: You are welcome to bring a blanket and/or chair.
No mask required outside but we do ask that you social distance. If you enter the building for any reason you must have a mask on.
Please make sure that you adhere to the schedule so that you have adequate time to eat with your student. If you have multiple children on this campus you will need to attend each lunch, so they are not missing instructional time from class.
We understand there is limiting parking so please make sure you are not parked in a fire lane.